Saturday 24 December 2016

The Art of Meaningful Gift Giving


If there’s one thing that everybody knows about buying the ultimate gift, at Christmas, birthdays, whenever there’s a special occasion, making it personal and meaningful is the key. I’m not one of those people who goes to the shops and panic buys any random or down right generic stuff to give to my friends and family. I much prefer to look for something a bit more bespoke and especially select things which I know they’ll really appreciate and be happy and proud to own. 

I have always been a fan of personalised things. When I was a child, I could never get my name on things (I mean how many people called Bilgi do you know?!) so when ‘Cool Printings UK’, a bespoke mug company wanted to work with me, you can imagine my delight! For no extra cost, they can personalise any mug for you with whatever text you’d like. I have always liked Disney, so I asked for ‘Disney Princess Off Duty’ on one mug and they even made it super authentic for me using the Disney text font!

If you’re struggling to pick your favourite quote or lyric from a song, there is help at hand. Not only can Cool Printings UK customise mugs, they also have a fab selection of different designs ready made and categorised ‘for him’, ‘for her’ etc so you can make a selection quickly and easily. I personally think a carefully selected mug which has something personally poignant and funny on it can be a really good gift idea. Extra Brownie points if you get creative and fill it before wrapping, with someone’s favourite sweets and maybe hide a special something at the bottom underneath them? (but that’s up to you to decide what that’ll be!)
I mean who doesn’t love Nutella?! That stuff is what dreams are made of!
I was lucky enough to be sent a fab selection of four different mug designs and there really is something for everyone! I love the quote by the Cheshire Cat! As a blogger, I love a good quote mug – they look great in photographs! Also, anybody who knows me will know I’m a fiend for Earl Grey tea my absolute favourite – there is not a day when I do not have tea, it is one of those things which I just have to have in my day or else it is just not complete. Now I have some super fun new mugs to enjoy it in! (I’m giving one to my sister for Christmas too!) #cheers!

If you want to order a mug or two, you can shop CoolPrintings UK’s range online here. All their mugs are priced at £6.99 plus postage of £3.00, so the only thing you’ve got to decide on is the design! Check out their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages here too for more mug personalisation inspiration!
Which of the mugs is your favourite? I actually love them all, but the custom made Disney Princess one is my favourite, me being Rapunzel and all! – I love how my idea was brought to life!
Bilgi x
• Mugs courtesy of Cool Printings UK™. all words within this post are my own •

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