Sunday 30 November 2014

Local Treasures : South Durham Honey

So yesterday I was out shopping in the beautiful city of Durham, which also happens to be where I go to uni. I was looking for nice gifts for the festive season which is upon us, when I came across a truly splendid stall in the outdoor market place, called South Durham Honey. If you're anything like me, you will appreciate how local, home-run companies seem to produce far more personal products, in comparison to the commercialised corporal items which flood our high-street shopping space. It's not really a surprise when someone gives you a box-set of bath products that you have already seen a thousand times when you've been out yourself.

I decided to purchase one of South Durham Honey's iconic products, the Mini Bee Candle, made from bees' wax. I am currently shopping for my secret Santa, and I did initially have the intention of giving this little gem to one of my friends, but I am getting really rather fond of how delicate, beautiful and unique it is, so I may well have to keep it!

In addition to their super cute candle collection - which has currently also gone Christmassy with additional glitter sprinkles and colours of cranberry red and pine green, they of course stock delectable local wild flower honey, along with honey mustard and bumble-bee mugs, all of which you can get gift wrapped with decorative country straw, baskets and cellophane. Their candle sets range from £2.50 - £3.50 for a pair of small or medium bee's wax candles, ideal for winter evenings when it's snowing and you want to feel all warm, cosy and fuzzy inside.

If you want to check out any of the products (which I personally recommend you do!) which South Durham Honey have on offer, you can check out their list of products on their website here or via their facebook page.

Blog love,

1 comment

  1. Aww this candle is so cute! Love it! It's good that it's natural too :) Theres a place near me that's independent and is sort of like Lush, I love it! They make candles and bath bombs and things :) Thanks for the follow I've followed back :) xx


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