Friday 24 December 2021

A London Photo Diary: December In The City 2021

Hello my lovelies and welcome to today's blog post! I recently went to London for a couple of days and oh my, it was such a welcome change to be able to go and see all the vibrant sights and hear the city sounds and immerse in something completely different just before Christmas. I went in early December and London was already fully decked out to the max with all of the sparkly lights and Mariah Carey singing in every shop! So I thought to mark the occasion I'd share with you some of the fun shots I snapped whilst there. From the city looking all festive to some of my favorite things I saw in the likes of Harrods and Selfridges, here is my London photo diary for December 2021! Enjoy!

When we first arrived we headed to Regent Street and Carnaby Street which has so many of my favorite shops.

Day 2's shopping began in Harrods with a visit to the famous shoe department a must for any shoe lover.

Wow, shoes or art?

And a few photos from Harrods' bakery because they really do create the most elaborate desserts and I love that!

To Piccadilly Circus...

...And for Lunch :)

This Salted Caramel Brownie was literally amazing!

Then we had a walk through China Town.

And later in the evening we walked by Cartier just as the Christmas chimes were playing which we watched as it's like a mini show all in its own right!

Hope you enjoyed these photos from my recent travels and do let me know if you've been anywhere nice recently and where you're planning to go in the New Year! Festive love, Bilgi   x


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. London is the dream city of those who are love to work and make pleasure life. the nights are always amazing. these pictures are just of piece of beauty. just want to feel the nights i these streets and having food, want to walk alone on roads and sing a song.

  3. Amazing Article , बहुत ही अच्छा लिखा आपने .... पांच रंगों वाली अनोखी नदी


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